All posts by sonsanddaughters of the world


Sons and Daughters of the World arrangerer et forløb af 5 besøg til forskellige byer i Danmark som vil få gavn af indsigten i en mors fortælling og i SDWs erfaring med forebyggelse.

Karolina Dam mistede sin søn 26. december 2014 og har siden kæmpet for at forstå, hvad der gik galt. Han blev angiveligt dræbt i Kobane, Syrien under et kollisionsangreb.

Karolina Dam har efterfølgende oprettet organisationen Sons and Daughters of the World (SDW) for at bekæmpe radikalisering og for at sætte fokus på de mange problemstillinger, der er forbundet med det. I sit netværk af forældre og pårørende forsøger SDW at skabe rum, ro, kærlighed og forståelse for de efterladte. SDW forsøger at dække de mange forskellige behov, der er hos forældre og søskende f.eks. sorg støtte, oplysninger om og kontakt til antiradikaliseringsenheder, myndigheder, advokat, og oplysninger om faktiske hændelser i Syrien/Irak. En vigtig del af SDWs arbejde er også at komme bredt ud med historien til den danske offentlighed – både i medier og oplæg. SDW ønsker især at nå ud til minoritetssamfund, som måske ikke ved, hvordan de kan tackle deres børns radikalisering og mistrivsel med hjælp fra danske myndigheder og civilsamfund. Dette vil SDW være med til at oplyse om.

Dette initiativ vil gennem oplysning og inspiration være medvirkende til, at flere forældre og pårørende vil være bedre klædt på til at hjælpe deres børn før det er for sent. SDW har stor erfaring med emnet, og Karolina Dam kan berette af egen historie, hvilket åbner mange døre til grupper, der ikke altid er til at få i tale.

Det er vigtigt, at man kender konsekvenserne og forstår, hvad de unge er igennem for overhovedet at kunne forebygge radikalisering. Sådan et oplæg vil være til stor gavn og nytte for både professionelle, der arbejder med udsatte unge, frivillige i foreninger – og ikke mindst familier og pårørende. Oplæggene vil give de deltagende foreninger/ myndigheder konkrete råd og værktøjer til, hvordan de kan agere og kan være medvirkende til, at skabe en bedre forebyggelse i deres lokalområde og ikke mindst i egne familier. SDW vil i forbindelse med besøgene stå til rådighed for deltagerne med sparring, inspiration og gode råd om, hvad vi som fagfolk, frivillige og familier kan gøre for at forhindre, at unge drenge og piger kommer så langt ud, at de lader sig radikalisere.

Initiativet laves i samarbejde med relevante organisationer og aktører i udvalgte områder i Danmark. Både aktør og lokalitet er nøje udvalgt med henblik på at nå den rette målgruppe; især kvinder og familier fra familier i udsatte boligområder.

De 5 oplæg vil blive afholdt i hhv. Odense, Fredericia, Aarhus, og København (x2), hvor de hovedsageligt vil finde sted i udsatte boligområder.

a series of 8+ lectures from S&D

over the next couple of months, Karolina Dam is going on a tour around Denmark to visit various citys to have a talk with the danes about her son Lukas,  CVE and radicalization.
The first will be for keypersonal from Fredericia Municipality at: Søndermarkens Aktivitetshus and the 2nd one is for public citizens in Fredericia on 15th of november 2017.
You can meet her at: Korkærparkens Beboerhus at 19:30 pm.
We hope to see you there

Download (PDF, 633KB)

* Første og andet oplæg foregår i Fredericia d. 15 november 2017
1. Arrangement for Fagfolk i Fredericia: - lærere, pædagoger, kommunale ansatte kl.16:30 - Adressen til Aktivitetshuset er:
Søndermarksvej 74A, 7000 Fredericia

2. OFFENTLIG arrangement i Fredericia: kl. 19:30 -
Adressen til Medborgerhuset er:
Ullerupdalvej 13, 7000 Fredericia

* Aarhus
afventer sted og tidspunkt

* Odense
afventer sted og tidspunkt

* C:NTACT - skole arrangement i København:
7/12-17 kl.  10:00 og kl. 13:00
08-12-17 kl. 10:00 og kl. 13:00

* Tingbjerg/København
afventer sted og tidspunkt

* Boligorganisation/København
24/01-18 kl. 10:00-13:00 - Indre Nørrebro, afventer adresse
25/1-18 kl: 18:00-19:30 - Lundtoftegade, afventer adresse
30/01-18 kl. 18:00-20:00 - Mimerskvarteret, afventer adresse

* AOF, i Horsens
obs ny dato: 28/02-18 kl. 19-21, Horsens Bibliotek, Tobaksgården 12, 8700 Horsens

* AOF,  i Esbjerg
11/04-18 kl. afventer tidspunkt

* AOF,  i Kolding
12/04-18 kl. afventer tidspunkt

Help us Help the Families

please help us help the families whose children have been radicalized.

We are ordinary parents.... just like you, ordinary mothers & fathers, all of which have witnessed a radicalization.
We will not stay quite, we will not be still - we support The Families and we need to stop Extremism.
We are tomorrow
Please support us and donate so we can keep helping the families in need. All contributions are helpful. 

youtube link

Help us help the families - pls donate: paypal or bank
Paypal: 37889652
IBAN: dk 5630004019279340
account: 4019279340
Danske Bank, Vesterbrogade 10, 1620 KBH V, Denmark

An Honest Conversation about Islam, Terrorism and Extremism 23. nov 2016 Maastricht University


S&D went to the Nederlands, Maastricht University to attend the event "An Honest Conversation about Islam, Terrorism and Extremism"

The Ambassador Lecture Series invited – Ajmal Masroor (British Imam, Broadcaster and Politician), Nicola Benyahia (Founder of Families For Life) and myself; Karolina Dam (Founder of Sons and Daughters of the World).
Aim to put into perspective the two faces of Islam - its mainstream tradition of tolerance and the radical offshoot that is now struggling for control of the whole Muslim world.

I would like to express my gratitude and honour towards Maastricht University,  the "Ambassador Lecture Series" TEAM. Guys - you did a great job and are a very professionel bunch of kids. Driven and determined youth, interested in the world and the issues around you.
A special and warm thank you, to Luca and Costas that have treated us with the utmost respect and love. You guys rock  
This has deffo set the bar high for the next events im going to, from picking us up to and from the airport, making sure we had everything we needed, great hotel, setting up "the round table" where we could have an intemate talk with some of the students, talking everything through with us before and after, sorting the media and interviews.
No, we didn't have time to see Maastricht as such - but i saw it through you guys........ 500 students attending something that is so important to me, asking us questions, listening to our stories, crying with us, and to know that some of you had to call your mothers after the event... thats love.
I want to also thank you for taking good care of Nicola, that only recently went public with her story. It has been a long hard road for her, and i am happy you guys made it special.    

An article written by Amira Eid/Student Journalist for the Observant



im sorry, but the "joke jail term" is a JOKE and he is laughing his head off.


Anjem Choudary and Mohammed Mizanur Rahman have just recived there sentence sep. 6th. and i am in shock!!! My son is dead because Anjem has been spreading his shit all over the world. Abusing our sons & daughters and taking advantage of our kids, pushing them towards a fight they cant win. Tricking our kids to think they are real muslims, that they in fact are on a mission from Allah(SWT). But they are not. The majority of western syrien fighters havn't even read the qur'an. They have been taught what they know from the recruiters.

is 5½ years really enough.... pls take a look at our Thunderclap and support us.  click here

Le jour des fête des mères en Tunisie

« Association de Sauvetage des Tunisiens Bloqués à l'Etranger » organise avec la coopération de « Association des Mamans des disparus » une manifestation de festivité en deuil , le :
Dimanche 29 mai 2016 à partir de neuf heures du matin (09h 00 ') devant le théâtre municipal de Tunis.
>> La façon de La festivité en deuil : c’est de Porter un foulard Blanc par les mères ,similaire, a la méthode de l'Association Argentine : "Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo"
** Invitation est ouverte à tous.

Kind Regards,
Mohamed Iqbal BEN REJEB
President and Founder of Association
Rescue Association of Tunisians Trapped Abroad (RATTA)
RATTA on Facebook
RATTA on Twitter
Phone: (00216) 24.750.650


FATE, Families against Terrorism and Extremism

We "Sons and Daughters of the World" are proud to support Families Against Terrorism and Extremism (FATE) in empowering families to build resilience against Daesh.
We're holding an inaugural FATE summit in Paris Thursday 28th april and Friday 29th april and our NEW Thunderclap will launch around the world at 0925 CET.
It's free and easy to join the clap. Just click the link and join on Twitter, Facebook and/or Tumblr. Friday morning we will all tweet together, and our thunder saying #ENOUGH to Daesh will echo around the globe as day 2 of the summit kicks off in the City of Lights just 6 months after the terrorist attacks that killed 130 mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

Pls help us by spreading the word of FATE with including some of the youtube videos.
FATE youtube - I Wish Life (English Subtitles)
FATE youtube - Ghosts
FATE youtube - Look Closely
FATE youtube - Dinner Table

- Follow FATE on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
- Share and retweet FATE posts and videos to your followers.
- Send content to your friends and networks.
- Keep the conversation going